Hardness testing is a non-destructive method of determining the tensile strength of metals and can be used to identify carbon steels such as plate or bar stock where strength or hardness is the discriminating characteristic. Comparisons can also be carried out to quickly sort materials.
The Mic 10 is a Vickers hardness instrument for thin material, very hard material, and welds, including HAZ peak hardness, and leaves an impression that is so small it's almost invisible.

The EQUOtip ® 2 hardness tester is a light weight, yet extremely powerful portable hardness tester for all metallic materials. Mobile and very accurate, the EQUOtip® 2 portable hardness tester has a large measuring range - from soft to extremely hard. The EQUOtip® 2 portable hardness tester gives a measurement independent of direction and gives a result within seconds.

In addition to portable equipment we have a Vickers testing machine for hardness surveys for welding procedure qualification which can also carry out Brinell hardness testing.

Supporting our inspection and certification activities we have an extensive range of NDT equipment.
This includes fibrescopes, digital video equipment, fully featured ultrasonic flaw detectors, thickness gauges, phased array ultrasonics, IRIS ultrasonics, remote field, near field, eddy current, magnetic particle equipment and Selenium, Iridium, and X-Ray radiographic imaging.