Coating inspection is a low cost part of manufacture process to ensure your assets don't fail prematurely.
Premature corrosion of a substrate is usually due to a coating failure.
Runs and sags, move under gravity leaving a thin area, pinholes caused by trapped bubbles or dust, overcoating causing the paint to crack, undercoating especially on corners and edges.
Using ultrasonic probes for very thick or eddy current for thinner coatings ITS can make sure that you get the specified thickness, not too thick that it will crack and not too thin that it won't protect the surface.
ITS maintain coating thickness standards from PCWI to ensure our equipment is calibrated and accurate.
High voltage testing using the brush method can be used on internal or external surfaces of structures or piping to detect pinholes created by bubbles or dust.
This method can be used for coatings up to 7.5mm thick and is ideal for inspecting pipelines, settling tanks, and even coatings on concrete.
ITS have narrow, wide, external piping and external piping brushes to suit a range of applications.
Surface preparation is critical to the coating process and although the coating may have the correct thickness and no pinholes can peel off over large areas resulting in costly repair.
The Proceq adhesion tester is a highly accurate digital tester and can be used on paints, plastic coatings, carbon fibre laminates, concrete coats and grouts.
Supporting our inspection and certification activities we have an extensive range of NDT equipment.
This includes fibrescopes, digital video equipment, fully featured ultrasonic flaw detectors, thickness gauges, phased array ultrasonics, IRIS ultrasonics, remote field, near field, eddy current, magnetic particle equipment and Selenium, Iridium, and X-Ray radiographic imaging.